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Recorded Screams From Hell!

I found the following articles very interesting.
 Without Jesus the threat of an eternity in Hell is real so check it out.

I linked the recorded sounds above if you want to hear!

These details are from the translation of an article in a Finnish newspaper named 'Ammennusatia'.

A geological group who drilled a hole about 14.4 kilometers deep in the crust of the earth are saying that they heard human screams. Screams have been heard from the condemned souls from earth's deepest hole. Terrified scientists are afraid they have let loose the evil powers of hell up to the earth's surface.

'The information we are gathering is so surprising, that we are sincerely afraid of what we might find down there,' stated Dr Azzacov, the manager of the project in remote Siberia.

'The second surprise was the high temperature they discovered in the earth's center. 'The calculations indicate the given temperature was about 1,100 degrees Celsius, or over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit,' Azzacov pointed out. 'This is far more then we expected. It seems almost like an inferno of fire is brutally going on in the center of the earth.

'The last discovery was nevertheless the most shocking to our ears, so much so that the scientists are afraid to continue the project. We tried to listen to the earth's movements at certain intervals with super sensitive microphones, which were let down through the hole.
The drill suddenly began to rotate wildly, indicating that we had reached a large empty pocket or cavern. Temperature sensors showed a dramatic increase in heat to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit."

 "We lowered a microphone, designed to detect the sounds of plate movements down the shaft. But instead of plate movements we heard a human voice screaming in pain! At first we thought the sound was coming from our own equipment."

"But when we made adjustments our worst suspicions were confirmed. The screams weren’t those of a single human, they were the screams of millions of humans!
What we heard turned those logically thinking scientists into a trembling ruins. It was a sometimes a weak, but high pitched sound which we thought to be coming from our own equipment,' explained Dr Azzacov.

'But after the adjustments we comprehended that indeed the sound came from the earth's interior. We could hardly believe our own ears. We heard a human voice, screaming in pain. Even though one voice was discernible, we could hear thousands, perhaps millions, in the background, of suffering souls screaming. After this ghastly discovery, about half of the scientists quit because of fear. Hopefully, that which is down there will stay there,' Dr Azzacov added.

'What really unnerved the Soviets, apart from the voice recordings, was the appearance that same night of a fountainhead of luminous gas shooting up from the drill site, and out of the midst of this incandescent cloud pillar a brilliant being with bat wings revealed itself with the words (in Russian): 'I have conquered,' emblazoned against the dark Siberian sky.

'The incident was absolutely unreal; the Soviets cried out in terror,' says Mr. Nummedal. Later that night, he saw ambulance crews circulating in the community. A driver he knew told him that they had been told to sedate everybody with a medication known to erase short term memory. The Soviets use this drug in the treatment of shock victims.

Another case of Inferno screaming sounds story: the famous sea diver and underwater explorer Jacques Cousteau stopped from scuba diving after hearing a sounds of human screaming on one of underwater caves he was exploring. Also one of Jacques-Cousteau’s men heard a frightening sounds of screams of human deep in trench of Bermuda Triangle.

The earth’s crust on land is normally 50 miles thick. You’d have to go down 50 miles before the edge of the fire. But in parts of the ocean floor, the earth’s crust is less than a mile thick.

Scientists recently discovered cracks on the ocean floor where fire was leaking out. Do you know what they found around these fire-breathing vents in the crust? Riftia, giant tube WORMS. Measuring up to 8 feet in length, the worms are ONLY FOUND NEAR DEEP SEA VENTS."

And Jesus Christ said, "Where their WORMS dieth not, and the fire is not quenched"

~I always want Biblical proof  so here are some verses that I found about  
 Hell being inside the earth:

When Jesus Christ died on the cross, He descended into hell.
In Acts 2, Peter is speaking, verse 31, " . . . seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in Hell"

And in Matthew 12:40, Jesus Christ says:

"For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly: so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the HEART OF THE EARTH. "
Ephesians 4:9, says of Jesus: "Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the LOWER PARTS OF THE EARTH."

Revelation 14:10 says, " . . . and he shall be tormented with fire and BRIMSTONE . . ." And Job 18 describes the " . . . PLACE of him that knoweth not God" (vs 21), in verse 15 as, " . . . BRIMSTONE shall be scattered upon his habitation." Do you know what brimstone is? It's sulfur. And do you know where sulfur or brimstone is found? INSIDE THIS EARTH.

The Bible describes it as weeping (Matt 8:12), wailing (Matt 13:42), gnashing of teeth (Matt 13:50), darkness (Matt 25:30), flames (Luke 16:24), burning (Isa 33:14), torments (Luke 16:23), everlasting punishment! Jesus Christ says in Matthew 25:41, "Depart from me, ye cursed, into EVERLASTING FIRE, prepared for the devil and his angels."

I didn't post this to scare you because I know that if Jesus is your Lord and savior you are not ruled by satan or by fear.
If not and you want to get to know Jesus, let me give you some Biblical FACTS for the start of your new life:

  • You must realize you are a sinner.

    "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:" Romans 3:10

    "... for there is no difference. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" Romans 3:23

  • Realize you CAN NOT save yourself.

    "But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags; ..." Isaiah 64:6

    "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, ..." Titus 3:5

  • Realize that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for your sins.

    "Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, ..." 1 Peter 2:24

    "... Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood," Revelation 1:5

  • Simply by faith receive Jesus Christ as your personal Savior.

    "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:" John 1:12

    " ...Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house."" Acts 16:30,31

    "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16


Pray to Him.

Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and unless you save me I am lost forever. I thank you for dying for me on the cross. I want you to come into my heart as my Lord. I now receive you as my Savior. In Jesus Christ Name, Amen.


  1. i'm not a christian...or maybe i am..i dunno..but this is quite interesting.


    1. If you are truly a believer you will know it. If you dont know then you need to be. Heaven and eternal life is real. So is eternal death. We are created as eternal beings. Some to everlasting life.... And some ( those who reject Christ) to eternal death. Terrifying thought..... Please ask God to reveal Himself to you. Earnestly and truthfully seek Him. He loves you and has a great plan for your life. Remember this. He will not force Himself on anyone. " behold I knock. Anyone who opens the door. I will come in and fellowship with them" He wont enter without your asking Him in. I pray for you and others like you. Time grows short. Evil is proliferating exponentially now. Dont tarry. Today is the day of salvation!!!!

    2. Unknown thank you well spoken

  2. Maybe its just that your not a Christian....YET. It is pretty creepy- I had to post it.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


    1. Amen brother... There is a God...and there is hell... Don't kid yourself!! Ask for
      Help from Jesus!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Well, Lauren Stratford did fool me and others with her book on experiences in Satanism, so I gues this might be the same. today is indeed, however the day of salvation. I have saying, 'there may be life on other planets, but there's death on this one, and Jesus Christ the son of God came to reckon with that. I have a question; I heard that an Egyptian was buried alive by her husband for reading a bible, with children and the little ones survived two weeks. Can anybody verify this. Jesus is Lord; Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. Mike.

  7. Wow, Awesome. Sister, Cool page.

  8. Whether or not this story is a hoax, I find it to be still interesting nonetheless. Satan is the ruler of this earth. There is no arguing that. If people are hearing these so called screams, it's no surprise. If they aren't, it still doesn't discredit that hell can be beneath earth.

  9. i believe in repentance...that the blood of christ has washed away my sins and that through jesus's death and resurrection i am saved.
    well...this is my testimony...
    i was given an out-of-body experience that i neither wanted nor want to experience again.
    it wasnt a vision , the experience was as real as the life i'm living now.
    what i perceive is the real me...or 'soul' was taken out of my body in an instant and placed in a place of terror...complete and utter darkness...isolation, but what was worse was there was no sound.
    Yet I had total conscious.
    I recalled the name of Jesus from my childhood teaching... called on his name to save me and was instantly brought back into my body.
    I have now given my life to Jesus to do the will of Almighty Holy God.
    I dont know where it was i was sent. If it wasnt hell, then hell will be insanely terrifying.

  10. Thank you for sharing you testimony

  11. Beautiful witness and Testimony of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be all the Glory! Keep going sister! wonderful page! <3

  12. Thank God we have forums like this to learn from each other. The older I get, the more I'm convinced that embracing Jesus is the only way out of this toxic world/culture. Thank you, Jesus!

  13. This isn't no hoax. A very recent similar thing a has happened too at the devil's cauldron. This is real people

  14. Mark 16:16 ‘Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved but whoever does not believe will be condemned.’
    The sinners prayer is not in the Bible anywhere. You must obey God’s command to be baptized.
